Our Chapters
Information on each chapter found here.
Fraternities and Sororities
Truman is proud to host a variety of FSL organizations. Fraternity and Sorority Life is dedicated to promoting and maintaining a positive learning environment in which all participants can develop leadership skills, exemplary citizenship, and camaraderie among their peers. FSL students value the ideals of scholarship, leadership, growth and unity.
Fraternities and sororities at Truman are governed by the Student Organization Code Conduct as well as one of three respective national councils: Interfraternity Council, National-Panhellenic Council and Panhellenic Council. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing council for the 10 fraternities at Truman State University. The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is a collaborative organization that acts as the governing body for the “Divine Nine” historically-black, international Greek-lettered organizations.  NPHC at Truman State University recognizes 2 chapters. Panhellenic Council (NPC) is the governing body for Truman’s 6 inter/national sororities.
Interested in Going Greek?
Interested in starting a chapter that you donât see listed? Email fsl@truman.edu for more information regarding Extension/Expansion.
Interfraternity Council
National Pan-Hellenic Council
Panhellenic Council
* Indicates chapters that are currently on probation. Please contact chapters directly for more information.